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..We're All Hustlers In Love With The Same Thing..

Jun 28, 2009

R..I.P MJ!!

Yes I know I'm late ..I wasn't going to blog about Mike because I knew every one else would but it's just crazy situation guys..He was the best hands down!!
I don't care what anyone says,you can kiss my ass lolz..his family is in my prayers & even though we've found out that the 3 kids are not his (I already knew they don't have an inch of black in them,haha) but my prayers are still w. them because that's the only dad they knew and I know it has to hurt..
Anyhow He's in a better place now and may he rest in peace & fuck all the haters that dragged his name in the dirt through out the yrs!!
(p.s. Isn't it funny how nobody cared about Farrah Fawcett after Michael Jackson died..damn!)


Here's one of my favorite songs!

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